Middle School
Grades 6-8

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

Middle School

The middle school challenges students to understand and apply learning to the world around them. The curriculum delves deeper into content knowledge in all core subjects – English, Mathematics, General Science, Social Studies, Hindi or Telugu as Second Language and Hindi or Telugu as Third Language.


C u r r i c u l u m f o r M i d d l e S c h o o l

Primary and middle schools follow the same curriculum, which is designed with clear objectives and scholastic standards, to prepare students for high school and other competitive exams.

Non-scholastic education comprises Art and Craft, Music, Life Skills and sporting activities.

Students get an opportunity to exhibit their talents during the extra-curricular competitions held monthly. Short story writing, creating info-graphics, Mono action, Tangram activity, Poster making, slogan writing are a few to name.

Are you ready to take the next step towards your kids future?

The school follows a House System to develop qualities of leadership, self- reliance and teamwork. The entire student community is divided into four houses