Pre-Primary (PP1-PP2)
Foundational Stage
“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play, children learn how to learn.”
P r e - P r i m a r y
Early childhood is the stage where children are curious about everything they see, open-minded and are bundled with new thoughts and ideas. This stage is perfect to trigger their quest for learning and engage them in intriguing activities to stimulate their senses.
C u r r i c u l u m f o r P r e - P r i m a r y
➢ designed with relevant levels of thinking and inquiry, to create an ardour for learning where the learner acquires and develops a basic knowledge of foundational literacy and numeracy skills as per the recommendations of NEP 2020.
➢ lays emphasis on a child’s natural, psychological, physical and social development. Students learn concepts while working on various materials (sand, paper, colours etc.,), instead of the traditional way of instruction.
➢ focus is on self-expression and learning is imparted through playing, singing, show and tell, drawing, writing, social interaction etc.